In the December 2013 issue of REAL SIMPLE, I was asked to work with an impulse buyer, Jovette, who generously overbuys gifts for her family and then herself. While her intentions are great- she completely overspends and - more importantly, isn't meeting her goals of saving for a home. She does not have any credit ca.rd debt but is not saving either.
The key to helping Jovette, was to help her change her habits so she was not tempted to give in to impulse buying. I gave her lots of great tips to keep her on track. Read the article on the BLOG (link to website). Lastly, but just as important, I helped her keep her eye on the prize of what she really wanted - saving for a new home!
The other women in this article were a Sales Stalker and a Big Spender. Learn from these women how they can resist temptations during this holiday season. Check out the full article HERE.