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Investments in a Volatile Market

Writer's picture: Galia GichonGalia Gichon

Updated: Feb 22, 2022

It sure has been a ride since March 2020. Personally. Professionally. Financially.

The market has been especially on a roller coaster the last few weeks and I’m fielding calls about investing pensions: should retirees leave the stock market and is it a bad time to invest? I’ve been through multiple down markets and too many volatile swings to count. I still come back to my tried and true investing philosophy.

1) Leave 9-12 months of expenses in a money market account.

I’m still a fan of the high-yield savings of Marcus or American Express Savings. They are paying higher than your local bank and are FDIC insured. More importantly - it is harder to get to and spend.

2) Getting a lump sum now?

The market seems at the height but we don’t definitively know that! Invest 10% now and spread the remainder on dollar cost average investing over the next 12-18 months.

3) Invest Every Month.

If you have your investments on auto - you would automatically be taking advantage of a down market. More importantly, my clients that save automatically, have more money saved in the long run. I’m talking about my freelancers, middle-class ones that can NOW retire because of this.

4) Balanced Mutual Funds.

I’m a huge fan! They are also called allocation funds. They hold steady in down markets and still provide substantial returns in up markets. Every mutual fund company from Vanguard and Fidelity offer them. You can choose different allocations: stock 70%/ bond 30% or 50/50 or 30/70.

5) Revisit your asset allocation in your retirement account.

Maybe it’s a 401k or 403b or SEP IRA. You should do this once a year but it’ll protect you in long run against these volatile markets.

6) Do you need your money in the next 3 years?

If so, I probably won’t invest most of it. The market will have a correction and could take a few years to come back. If you need your money in that time period (i.e. downpayment, retirement, renovation, kids college) you don’t want to lose any of it.

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Melissa Prinz
Melissa Prinz
27 de dez. de 2024

A church hospitality ministry that transforms lives through warmth, service, and community. Hospitality ministry The heart of your church's mission to make everyone feel loved and accepted.


23 de jul. de 2024

Неаби як зараз важливо бути в курсі всіх подій, а також спілкуватися з приводу новин, бо саме новини зараз займають велику частку життя кожного, надаючи потрібну інформацію. Я свого часу досить таки довго шукав відповідний новинний портал, котрий надавав би мені всю відповідну інформацію. Але зараз, я знайшов саме те, що шукав, він надає мені всю потрібну мені інформацію про всі новини та події, так ось розпочав читати новини Чехії, що надало мені більш об'ємне поняття того, що відбувається в цій країні. Також, окрім новин Чухії, я дуже пильно слідкую за новинами інших закордонних держав, що дозволяє мені бути завжди в курсі подій, а також надає більш об'єктивного полгяду на події.


28 de abr. de 2024

Thanks a lot for the cool investment tips, I also listened to your podcasts, but I would like to see your face. It would be great if you recorded a webcam video about what is in your investment portfolio, I can recommend an application that will help with this

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