I'm finding that new apps are coming out daily. It is definitely worth checking these out. I tend to download more than one because the one that I love may not be the one that works best for you. Plus I need to use a few before I figure out which has the features I treasure the most. Most of us don't let our smartphones out of site so why not help manage your expenses, keep more cash in your wallet and save more money at the same time?
This app doesn't require you input your personal account information which can be a real plus for most of us.
YNAB (You Need a Budget)
This app touts itself as a "living" budget. It's android and iPhone friendly. Try the 30 day trial. Well worth it!
If you have done any personal finance soul searching these last few years, you have discovered MINT. I'm a fan of MINT mostly because it lets you see all your accounts in one place. It takes seconds to update. It may not be the best tool if you really want to change your habits but it is a fantastic place to start.
Be prepared, not scared. Don't let the DIVA name fool you, this app means business. I love that I can store, virtually, all my important documents safe and secure. Who knows what will happen but it's an excellent backup!