There’s a lot of great information out there. But how do you implement it? Or stay motivated? I’ve given you lots of tips below. It’s not one size fits all so try and few and let me know what works! As this great NY Times article said article says "Accountability works best when it comes from the outside.”
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Woman’s Compass Forum early bird fee ends 1/19!
Next course starting 2/2/21.
1) Make Money Fun
I recently found this site: Napkin Finance! It uses graphics and napkins to explain financial topics. ESG Investing (environmental social and governance) is a hot topic as it should be.
2) Take a Class
We know it seems obvious. But if you show up every week in a class, you’ll start to do the homework and take action steps. Small ones. That helps you move forward. Register for our next Woman’s Compass Forum course. Register by January 19 to get the special early bird price. Course starts 2/2/21.
3) Sign up for a Robo-Advisor My favorites these days are: Ellevest, Betterment, and Wealthfront. 4) Make a Money Date This article shares great tips on how to move through difficult conversations. My clients are in relationships and I work with both partners to save more money and do more with their finances! At my recent Woman’s Compass Forum class, we had two couples show up together. Hard conversations were had about money but it strengthened their relationship! 5) Find an Accountability App
There’s a reason I’m so motivated by my Peleton. I want to reach 50 classes. Then 100 classes. I want to beat my output time from last time. Set that up with your finances. This article lists some top Accountability apps.
6) Make it Automatic
Don’t make it so hard for yourself and set up automatic savings. Whether it’s going every month to an online savings account (like Marcus.com) or to a mutual fund (Vanguard and Fidelity are my favorites). It also provides dollar cost average and builds wealth in your sleep. More and more of my clients are using Acorns app. Round up your savings!
7) Sign up for a Personal Finance Newsletter
Even if you just see the email in your inbox every week, you will be motivated to take one action step!
8) Get Rid of Monthly Subscriptions.
They are costing you more than you know. Clarity Money helps you stop throwing away unused subscriptions by helping you uncover and cancel subscriptions you’re not using.
9) Declare it on Social Media
You don’t have to brag about the $ in your accounts but you can share the little money steps you are taking. Create your positive money community.
10) Reflections Not Resolutions
Look at what worked for you last year and focus on that. For me, by not commuting or traveling, I actually was able to book more clients and teach more classes.
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Need help with your finances and more? Woman’s Compass ForumEarly bird fee ends 1/19. Next course starting 2/2/21.
News is an important part of our lives today, and it is impossible to imagine your day without reading the news. That's why you need to have a high-quality news portal to always be in the information space. For example, I use such a portal and recently read a very cool article. It said that Maxim Krippa became the new owner of GSC Game World, which is very cool news because, in my opinion, it gives the company a new development in its history. I really like that the article itself says that GSC Game World's cooperation with Maxim actually started in 2020. The parties were looking at each other, calculating the pros and cons of further cooperation. When the…